The poison effect should really be nerfed. The mod is an apocalyptic mod with a wide variety of types of weapon.

Updated often with the best Minecraft PE mods. 8 May, 2021 World Expansion (Offical Release 1.0.0) Hi, This is our first Add-On and we are so happy to release the first non-beta Version of this complement so we decided to upload this to mcpedl.We will give a small introductio. Down below you can find all features which this add-on changes or adds. A massive amount of time went into crafting every small detail of our world! It also shots 2 arrows every shot! Now survive in the world of Zombie Apocalypse! Yeah, this pack is quite difficult, I used all Zombie related mods I could find for Minecraft 1.16.5. Could you make the MOD pack compatible with bedrock because I play Minecraft on my mobile phone many people might play it on bedrock I am not sure though sorry.

How long can you last? Tools PMCSkin3D Banners Papercraft. It’s similar to the withered zombie, but it teleports! Delve into a world where zombies have destroyed humanity. Why cant I use horse Armour when I have this addon ennabled, It's was cool thanks and for the map suggestions too, Hey man I'm a builder and I make survival maps if you want my help tell me my xbox gamer tag - Yash0909.