Event 28: Bravery and Power If you want, head down into the pit and you will fight Sephiroth and get the ending to the game. You should have enough to complete these quests if you have mastered some of your Materia which you can sell for a large amount of gil. Do not read ahead if this is your first time playing through the game.

– Break Through 14 A Close Call 15 Shinra Creed 16 Shining Beacon of Civilization 17 Tifa’s The… The original release date for Final Fantasy 7 Remake was March 3, 2020. Exit the Northern Cave by traveling all the way back up to the Highwind.

There are 85 tracks split over the four CDs with music composed, arranged, and produced by Nobuo Uematsu. Standing in a field), and replace it with another disc from the game, you can continue playing.